Neil Salley
Portfolio of Images and Sounds
This collection of Images and sounds represents a sample of my personal artwork and commercial practice.
The first section illustrates the current exhibitions on view at Musée Patamécanique. The Museum, founded in 2006, encompasses both outdoor and indoor environments within a 6-block area of downtown Bristol, Rhode Island. These environs together with a specially designed exhibition and personalized tours form a single artwork in and of itself.
Despite its institutional manifestation, I am the sole creator of Musée Patamécanique.
This ongoing project began as my MFA Thesis and has grown into a life-long pursuit. Building Le Musée has allowed me to chart new creative territory and craft experiences which challenge museum visitors with new and unexpected ways of perceiving the world - while soliciting a heightened awareness of the shifting and illusive nature of art and its context.
This assortment of photographs are my own as well as the objects, designs and environments depicted within each of them. Click any image and drag and rearrange, click again to enlarge for a slideshow.
A Brief Video Tour of the Museum's Collection (Music by The Vienna Art Orchestra)
Note: If the video is slow to load just click the Vimeo logo to watch it directly from that site.
Excerpts from some of the Museum's sound walks
Sample soundtracks from some of the Museum's indoor exhibits
The following two videos illustrate some my work as a commercial film director, cinematographer, editor and designer. While I'm not actively pursuing a career in this field at this time I do occasionally take-on freelance projects.
My Commercial Reel - 2006
Earlier Commercial work - My Comedy Reel
Thanks for taking the time to explore my work. Maybe one day we’ll meet at Le Musée!
- Neil Salley