Pataphysical Resources
A Pataphysical Primer
What is 'Pataphysics? by Roger Shattuck
What's up with the 'apostrophe?
Pataphysical Institutes and Groups
Collège de ’Pataphysique – France (In English)
The Laboratory of Feminist Pataphysics - Canada
The London Institute of ’Pataphysics - UK
Pataphysisches Institut Basel - Switzerland
L'Académie Néerlandaise pour la 'Pataphysique - Netherlands
Institut Pataphysique Arménien - Armenia
Université de Napierville - Canada
Institut für 'Pataphysik - Germany
Autoclave di Estrazioni Patafisiche - Italy
Ilustre Instituto de ‘Patafisica de la Nova Galicia - Mexico
Longevo Instituto de Altos Estudios Patafísicos de UBuenos Aires - Argentina
Pataphysical Studios - San Francisco California - USA
International Union of Mail-Artists - BUREAU OF 'PATAPHYSICS
Online Resources
Great talk given by our friends at Pataphysical Studios in San Francisco
Some (Theoretical) Exhibitions
The Pataphysical Museum and Archive
Alfred Jarry, The Carnival of Being - The Morgan library
Pataphysics, A Theoretical Exhibition at Sean Kelly
Vincent Sardon Studio - The Stampographer
And of course this little show
'Pataphysics in a Jiffy
The vastest and most profound of Sciences which contains all others within itself whether they want it to or not.
'Pataphysics was illustrated by Alfred Jarry (1873-1907) in the admirable persona of Doctor Faustroll in his neo-scientific novel -“Exploits and Opinions of Doctor Faustroll, ‘Pataphysician” published posthumously in 1911.
Often referred to as “The science of imaginary solutions”, 'Pataphysics may also be described as the study of the particular and the exceptional, it being clearly understood that the world is composed entirely of exceptional exceptions and that any “rule” is precisely an exception to the exception; as for the universe, Faustroll defined it as “that which is the exception to oneself”.
THE SCIENCE to which Jarry dedicated his life is practiced unwittingly by all of mankind. Human beings could more easily dispense with breathing than with 'Pataphysics. We find Pataphysics in the Exact and Inexact Sciences (though nobody admits it), in the Fine Arts and the Foul Arts and in every kind of human activity. Open any newspaper, turn on the radio, explore the internet or have a conversation with your child, your wife, your lover, your friend, your self - ALL speak Pataphysics!
'Pataphysics is the very substance of this world AND ALL OTHERS. (source)